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BAM!ID: 97624
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2011-03-17 05:22:09

A little about me...I have only one project, SETI@Home, and I'd like to add additional projects. My question centers around the additional projects I add.

I tried adding one earlier, and found out that I didn't have an "approved" GPU for that specific project. So it made me wonder about how BOINC works.

I'm hoping my question is simply answered, so here it is: if I have multiple projects, I'm assuming that BOINC will work on one project a while, then pause that one, then work on another and pause it after a while, and so on.....

Is this the case? Will BOINC automatically switch between any/all projects after a certain amount of time period?

I'd like to try an additional project or two to my list, but I'm not sure how they will work.

Thanks for all your understanding and help.

Bruce Kennedy
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2011-03-17 08:28:29

Paul, take a look at this WiKi link for information on how resource share works for multiple projects.

Your ATI Radeon HD GPU is pretty much limited to 3 projects, Collatz, DNETC and Milkyway.

Everyone starts out with just SETI and then expands to other projects, enjoy!

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2011-03-17 08:29:09
last modified: 2011-03-17 08:30:41

I'm hoping my question is simply answered, so here it is: if I have multiple projects, I'm assuming that BOINC will work on one project a while, then pause that one, then work on another and pause it after a while, and so on.....

Is this the case? Will BOINC automatically switch between any/all projects after a certain amount of time period?

If you set the Projects up to run any way you want like 50/50 or 33/33/33 in your Account / Preferences for this Project / Resource share then BOINC should run them an equal amount of time. Also you can control how often BOINC switch's between Projects in your Account / When and how BOINC uses your computer - Computing preferences / Switch between tasks every - Recommended: 60 minutes

I set mine to 240 Min's but you can set it to your own liking ... The 50/50 33/33/33 are just examples, you can use any configuration you want like if you want 1 Project to run more then just set them to 25/75 or what you want ...
BAM!ID: 97624
Joined: 2011-03-04
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2011-03-17 17:11:21

Thank you both for your knowledge. It took me a little time to find all the right areas to look in, but I found them.

I guess I'll be looking for more projects to work on now.

Paul -
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