Pages: [1]
BAM!ID: 96700
Joined: 2011-02-09
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2011-07-01 09:59:00

I have Boinc running on 7 computers and am trying SUSE 11.4 and cannot get Boinc to run or connect--i have been everywhere but cant get Boinc running--any help please--
Gundolf Jahn
BAM!ID: 16586
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2011-07-01 16:31:32

GeraldRube wrote:
--i have been everywhere but cant get Boinc running--

Have you also been on the BOINC message boards and/or the BOINC wiki?

Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)
Pages: [1]

Index :: BOINC :: Boinc install