m0laki: iThena needs to add some disk to their server!!
12-01 17:12
m0laki: @Laird There are ways around that too my dear friend!
12-01 16:59
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose: Happy Advent. Firewalls are good, but not safe. If you actively use a browser, there is always a risk.
12-01 16:33
m0laki: @Laird&@Mike I use a series of hardware firewalls and other security on the network to quell the ugliness! Netgear is nice!
11-28 16:49
m0laki: @Laird I have been converting also - having hardware driver issues - not unusual for old equipment
11-28 16:46
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose: @m0laki: I'm surviving just fine without MS or AI. Seems like humanity can't survive without AI. -Well. I'm still alive. :-)
11-25 19:51
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose: @mikey159: It is dangerous to run an OS without security support. Without security and support, it is a gateway for hackers.