Laird o' th' wee White Hoose: @Stacie: I will keep my account active in the hope that a successor will come along to continue the good work.
11-14 14:04
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose: @Stacie: I wonder about the digression between the various stats. Credit should be in order. It was an interesting project.
11-14 14:04
Stacie: I have never figured out why this discrepancy exists for some projects and not others.
11-14 10:30
Stacie: ...Boincstats shows 3,414 users for Universe, but in Detailed Stats it shows 55,282 users.
11-14 10:28
Stacie: @Laird your actual position is 503. The only way I know to find it is to drill down on the participant list on the site...
11-14 10:25
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose: @Stacie: According to Boincstat I ended as #368 with 60,218,667 credits. Universe was also an exelent choice for older PC's.
11-14 05:44
Stacie: My final position on Universe will be 542. Boincstats has me at 390 but it is an abbreviated list.
11-13 13:41
Mads Nissen: @Laird o' th' wee White Hoose ahh you HAD said that..