Tuna Ertemalp (0)
Number of visits to this profile: 3157
BAM! user since: October 31 2007
Birthday: December 8
Country: United States
Sex: Male
Detailed stats: here
Forum posts: 532
Founder of team: Microsoft

My personal background
Born in Germany (Öhringen), raised in Turkey (Istanbul), all grown up in USA (Seattle).

Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, 1983-1988: BS in Computer Science
Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA, 1988-1990: MS in Computer Science

Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, USA, 1990-2014: Software Development (Developer, DevLead, DevMgr) on Microsoft Project and Microsoft Office.

Started crunching for SETI on Nov 15, 1999; then switched to BOINC when it came out.

Have been enjoying using BOINCstats since Oct 31, 2007.

Started using BAM! on Apr 1, 2015.

Motto: Small things make quality, but quality is no small thing. (Adapted from Henry Royce who was talking about perfection, not quality)

Opinion about BOINCstats/BAM!
BOINCstats is da bomb!