Lazarus-uk (6)
Number of visits to this profile: 6061
BAM! user since: April 8 2008
Birthday: October 8
Country: United Kingdom
Sex: Male
Detailed stats: here
Forum posts: 879
Member of team: BOINCstats

My personal background
I'm a 53 yr old guy from Southampton in the UK. I started crunching in 2007 when I became interested in Seti@home. Slowly, over time, I added more projects. That's when I really got the bug. I now build my own machines for crunching and pass them on to family and friends when I'm done with them.

I'm interested in all science projects, but mostly physics and astronomy, although I do try and run some worthwhile biological/medical projects alongside them.

Opinion about BOINCstats/BAM!
I've been using BOINCstats to view my progress since I first started. Eventually, I thought I would join up with the team and meet the rest of the community. I've always been impressed with the site and the team and with the members dedication to them.