Number of visits to this profile: 1092 BAM! user since: September 11 2006 Birthday: November 24 Country: United Kingdom Sex: Male Detailed stats: Forum posts: 83 Member of team: Free-DC
treaclepumpkin: Reading their forums they are having issues and are working on resolving them.
09-17 21:22
treaclepumpkin: @Laird tried your suggestions no change, then @m0laki tried reattaching and can't get the project file.
09-17 21:22
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose: 1'st step be sure no WU is left on your PC. 2'nd step RESET PROJECT and UPDATE. If no good, try following m0aki's suggestion.
09-17 13:05
m0laki: @treacle I did get WUs from CP recently so they are running - try reattaching to the project?