student_ (0)
Number of visits to this profile: 1039
BAM! user since: May 10 2006
Country: United States
Sex: Male
Detailed stats: here
Forum posts: 62

My personal background
I have experience with HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, MySQL, Java, XUL, XBI and XPCOM, and am currently augmenting the BOINCStats extension for Mozilla Firefox (available at so that a user can be notified when one of their hosts takes significantly longer than usual to contact the project server (presumably because of some problem -- shutting down, connectivity problems, etc.) via their browser or cell phone.

I'd also like to develop a web application to keep statistics on price trends in electronic goods, that will use the sort of graphs that BOINCStats does.

Opinion about BOINCstats/BAM!
I feel like playing around with code for the BOINC client some time.