Detailed stats
Intel(R) Core(tm) i3-6100 CPU @ 3.70GHz

BOINC Cross Project IDentifier 37c0e3163156cbd2632125327ca29781
Host ID 353966447
First seen on 2024-12-27
CPU Intel(R) Core(tm) i3-6100 CPU @ 3.70GHz
Number of CPU's (number of (virtual) cores) 1(4)
Operating System and version Linux
Owner grcpool.5
Link to user's host stats   
Current Credit based on incremental update 275,894.44
Link to position in BOINC combined World stats based on incremental update 64,767 out of 132,406
Highest World position ever 64,767 at 2025-02-09
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Target results No target set
Recent average credit RAC (according to BOINC combined) 667.53373
Recent average credit RAC (according to BOINCstats) 5,893.74194
Recent average position change per day 610
BOINC World position based on RAC 46,242 out of 132,406
Overtake stats ↕
Contribution to BOINC combined total credit 0.00000%
Contribution to BOINC combined total RAC 0.00002%
Accumulated more credit than % of all BOINC combined Hosts 51.08454%