Detailed stats
Apple M2

BOINC Cross Project IDentifier 47fa4a0c945c8922cd36ef24c0db7890
Host ID 353553351
First seen on 2023-08-22
CPU Apple M2
Number of CPU's (number of (virtual) cores) 8
Operating System and version OSX 24.1.0
Owner Science United
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Current Credit based on incremental update 581,329.95
Link to position in BOINC combined World stats based on incremental update 53,560 out of 138,325
Highest World position ever 46,339 at 2024-09-24
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Target results No target set
Recent average credit RAC (according to BOINC combined) 820.18627
Recent average credit RAC (according to BOINCstats) -747.19355
Recent average position change per day 35.48
BOINC World position based on RAC 40,271 out of 138,325
Overtake stats ↕
Contribution to BOINC combined total credit 0.00000%
Contribution to BOINC combined total RAC 0.00001%
Accumulated more credit than % of all BOINC combined Hosts 61.27960%