Detailed stats
Intel(R) Core(tm) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz

BOINC Cross Project IDentifier a409ea5532fc2db31252165191204c40
Host ID 353608849
First seen on 2023-10-16
CPU Intel(R) Core(tm) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz
Number of CPU's (number of (virtual) cores) 1(12)
Operating System and version Linux
Owner [AF] Alliance Francophone
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Current Credit based on incremental update 7,266,362.11
Link to position in BOINC combined World stats based on incremental update 17,533 out of 132,836
Highest World position ever 17,525 at 2025-02-14
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Target results No target set
Recent average credit RAC (according to BOINC combined) 369.49268
Recent average credit RAC (according to BOINCstats) 12,357.74194
Recent average position change per day 17.68
BOINC World position based on RAC 55,501 out of 132,836
Overtake stats ↕
Contribution to BOINC combined total credit 0.00002%
Contribution to BOINC combined total RAC 0.00001%
Accumulated more credit than % of all BOINC combined Hosts 86.80102%