Detailed stats

BOINC Cross Project IDentifier 2fe9c50acc88e85927f64540fcc14882
User ID 4367559
Current Credit based on incremental update 244,782.19
Comprising 244,782.19 from the daily update
+ 0.00 since then
Link to position in BOINC combined World stats based on incremental update 439,829 out of 4,041,628
15 since daily update
Highest World position ever 314,574 at 2018-12-17
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Target results No target set
Recent average credit RAC (according to BOINC combined) 0.18439
Recent average credit RAC (according to BOINCstats) 0.00000
Recent average position change per day 14.56
BOINC World position based on RAC 147,942 out of 4,041,628
Overtake stats ↕
Contribution to BOINC combined total credit 0.00000%
Contribution to BOINC combined total RAC 0.00000%
Accumulated more credit than % of all BOINC combined Users 89.11753%
Link to user's host stats   
Member of team BOINC.Italy
Team URL
Position in Team 1,797
Contribution to Team total credit 0.00010%
Contribution to Team total RAC 0.00000%
Accumulated more credit than % of all Team Users 64.49318%
Resident of Italy
Position in Country 8,156
Contribution to Country total credit 0.00008%
Contribution to Country total RAC 0.00000%
Accumulated more credit than % of all Country Users 88.53286%
URL for user signature graphic
URL for user signature graphic (for this project only)