Detailed stats

BOINC Cross Project IDentifier 05d4b63c40a4d8c2b3dd2180f656931f
Team ID 2701
Current Credit based on incremental update 32,909,712.00
Comprising 32,909,712.00 from the daily update
+ 0.00 since then
Link to position in GoofyxGrid@Home NCI World stats based on incremental update 32 out of 111
Highest World position ever 4 at 2019-08-28
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Target results No target set
Sign-up date 2019-03-27
Recent average credit RAC (according to GoofyxGrid@Home NCI) 1.65883
Recent average credit RAC (according to BOINCstats) 0.00000
Recent average position change per day 0
BOINC World position based on RAC 27 out of 111
Contribution to GoofyxGrid@Home NCI total credit 0.10128%
Contribution to GoofyxGrid@Home NCI total RAC 165.88310%
Accumulated more credit than % of all GoofyxGrid@Home NCI Teams 71.17117%
Resident of International International International
Position in Country 11
Contribution to Country total credit 2.21050%
Contribution to Country total RAC 2.93119%
Accumulated more credit than % of all Country Users 95.58233%
Number of members 15
Number of active members 0
Team joiners, average per day 0.00
Team leavers, average per day 0.00
Team members, average growth per day 0
Total available hosts for this team 47 | Host CPU breakdown | Host Operating System breakdown
URL for team signature graphic (for this project only)